If you don’t get the reference, it’s to Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. They made up a rather large chunk of my childhood. In a rather random blast to the past the other night, a small group of my friends and myself ended up watching the first ever episode of Power Rangers on Netflix Instant Play, and it has brought up some memories.

Now, most of my memories involving them are vague. I hardly remember the show. I do remember a few key things though. There were dinosaurs (which was AWESOME) and I was introduced to the show by my best friend at the time.

Best Friend and I didn’t meet until first grade, so some of my memories of that Halloween are a little confused. I distictly remember wearing my costume on the Kindergarten playground. The question raised is – why?

However, I decided I wanted to be Kimberly, because she was awesome and she was PINK. This logic is rather backwards from how I usually looked at things. My sister was always the one with pink things, I had yellow. I guess it was the pterodactyl that really did it. I mean, it is a bird. It can fly.

That particular Halloween, Power Rangers were the new hip, popular kid thing. And I was not alone on the playground in my awesome pink Power Ranger suit. I was joined by about 10 Jasons (the Red one). There were a couple blue ones too.

Other than that, the only memory that really stands out to me is a picture of a tall ever green in our backyard that was rather tall and skinny and was tucked away between our garden and the far side of the garage. The bark on that tree was peeling away in such form that it was almost fuzzy. This, I decided, was where the Blue Power Ranger lived. And as such, he was my imaginary friend and we would run around the back yard together and save the world from evil.

Something tells me now that this would be the beginning of my never ending stream of dating geeks and nerds as a teenager and adult. It would also explain my crushes on actors who play geeky computer nerds on crime dramas. coughMcGeecough Said geeky computer nerds solve crimes – thus “saving the world” and being underrecognized for the fact that having such awesome computer skills are way cooler than being able to run an interrogation… Sort of.

The subject of my slight crush on Sean Murray will be the subject of a later posting, however.

All in all, this night with my friends managed to prove to me absolutely that no matter how bad you might remember a show to be, it is almost always worse in reality. Kids are rather immune to the obviousness of a dubbed performance sometimes (at least I was). There is also the rather obvious lack of PC-ness and the pointed stereotypes. And I sat there on the couch thinking, “My god I was a stupid first grader.” Then I realized – I was a first grader. Honestly, what could I have expected from myself?

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